Ninety percent of the information transmitted in the human brain is visual so your business needs strong design to enhance the quality of its message. However, some businesses are focused on the effects of their marketing campaigns that certain aspects of graphic and web design are often neglected in the rush to get fast wins and better ROI.
As the demand for online marketing increases, effective design not only helps draw attention to your marketing campaigns but also stands out your brand from the rest. Before you jump into your design goals, here are four design tips from our own experience that can help you produce better results.
Great Design Takes Time
Successful design decisions are not only made by chance; they are made after hours of extensive study and careful preparation. The design method has a lot more to it than just having a logo and trying various versions before you find one that you like. Sometimes, inspiration strikes, and great ideas come quickly. Other times, it can feel like pulling teeth to get any ideas down on paper (or computer screen). The result may look the same, but in each case, a different amount of mental work is needed.
You Get What You Pay For
If you are looking to give your website or brand a full makeover, the extra cost is always worth investing in a good designer. An accomplished designer will help remove a lot of the guesswork involved and will dive into the best solutions right into your brand and persona. Design is not just something that everyone can do, it requires talent, skills, and a good eye for it. Even though you have the best software, yet don’t have enough skills to perform the task, then it will not likely help you achieve the results you’re looking for.
It’s Not Always about Good Looks.
Aesthetics are the core of a lot of design decisions. As Steve Jobs said, "Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works." For example, when designing a website, the first and most important thing you design for is user experience. There are plenty of examples of websites, but some are confusing to navigate. A good designer makes the design work around the content of the website and allows the content to stand out, so the people can navigate your website seamlessly.
Focus on your Target Audience
When it comes to your design, your target audience should be your primary design inspiration. You want to think about how it looks and sounds in terms of style as they visit your site, and how they can navigate and communicate with your site from various landing points (blog, homepage, landing pages, etc.). You want to use imagery, color, and fonts that are enticing to them and that promote the message of your brand.
The website of your business is the center of your inbound marketing activities, as any inbound marketer knows. We believe that using the tips above can enhance your marketing campaign and convert clicks to customers in no time.